Perancangan Display Visual Kuantitatif Pada Sistem Manusia Mesin

Mujahidin, Mujahidin
2010 Jurnal Teknik Industri  
Work systemc onsisto f mana ndm achines ystemh, umans ensesn eeda tool to responsall kind of stimuluss ucha n informationg ivenb y machineo r outsideo fsystem,s ot hath umanc ancontrolm achinew ell. It meansth at we needd isplayd esignb asedo n the charactes tic of humansenseas bilityi n catchingin formationTherea rem anyk ind ofdisplayt hatc anb e maded ependw ith informationc haracteristicsThisr esearcwh ill give quantitativevi suald isplayd esignf ixed to informationc haracteristicgsiv
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doi:10.22219/jtiumm.vol1.no1.31-39 fatcat:fmbuu2ko5vfmjlm2xishthspna