Simulating the next generation of the ATLAS inner detector : tracking in dense environments [article]

Felix Cormier
This document provides a thorough overview of an emulation method for new generation ATLAS Inner Detector design and optimization. The new ATLAS Inner Detector, named ITk, will track charged particles from proton-proton collision at record speed and flux, requiring a a thorough optimisation of its silicon sensors to perform within specifications inside these challenging dense environments consisting of very high momentum particles, collimated particles. The TIDETester emulation presented here
more » ... a fast simulation able to quickly simulate the effects of varying ITk geometries and analyse the track performance in order to inform layout decisions. A variety of Inner Detector layouts are studied, and results are obtained showing an improvement in dense environment tracking performance up to 10% when changing long strips to smaller pixels, and a small performance improvement up to 6% when using thinner pixel elements, from 150 μm to 25 μm. Changes in strip length between 23.82 and 47.64 μm were found to have no effect on dense environment tracking performance, while the two proposed pixel sizes of 50 × 50 and 25 × 100 μm were found to be equivalent in performance. Negligible performance improvement were found by moving the last three pixel layers as much as 10 mm from the interaction point, while moving strip layers back as much as 100 mm was found to have a modest improvement in performance, up to 10%.
doi:10.14288/1.0340666 fatcat:am24plbmhvdlfh5imxj6vwu4o4