1908 Journal of the American Medical Association  
of the medium, which, when 1 ransplant eil to lactose agar and grown under aerobic conditions, soon died out before their cultural characteristics were determined. Six subcultures were examined inicium-opieallv. and all exhibited an interesting variation in morphology, to which Dr. C. A. Hertei of Now York City has already called attention, namely, a variation from bacillary to eoccal form. Surface growth on laeto-e agar in the air showed large, long bacilli, while in the depths of the saute
more » ... ium long chainre-einbling -trcpto cocci predominated, and twenty-four hours after the subculture had been made from the original colony grown under anaerobic conditions on hydroeele agar. all stages from typical coeeal to long bacillary form-could lie made out. This wannt a mixed culture, because all the other tubes showed the same condition, and it is interesting because it shows that dependence can not lie placed to a great extent on tlieappearances of fecal smears as indicating the relative proportion of eoccal forms. .\ second examinât ion. made April £9, showed that the predominan! bacteria belonged to the colon type, with no si rcptococci or anaerobes when glows under conditions as described before. The bacillus found in the previous examination dis appeared for some reason, possible on account of the fermented milk treatment. X-ttay F.ramintiliun.-The process was shown to be an infectious arthritis. There were no changes in cartilages: the |>eriostoiim of the shafts of the metaearpal and the basal row of the phalangeal bones wa-thickened: there was no atrophy of the bones. The bony trabeeuhe in the carpal bones and in the eancellous ends of metaearpal and phalangeal 1m.nes were obscured and blurred by the infectious process. Set/iienee of ¡'.rents in Ho.i/iital.-On the patient's admission the arthritis involved his right acutely, which presented a swollen, edeuiatous appearauee. while the left hand was normal.
doi:10.1001/jama.1908.25410110016001d fatcat:o44vlvxxp5blna5sdh7qg543im