The Turbulence of Vaporized Magma in the Chamber at Eruption is akin to its Behavior as an Ideal Gas

Dr.(Prof.) V.C.A. NAIR
2019 IARJSET  
The Author begins with a meaning of the Title. A diagrammatic illustration from the point of view of location of Magma Chamber inside the Earth is given. Idea of Magma Convection inside the Magma Chamber leading to Magma Fragmentation and Magma Vaporization which ultimately leads to Magma Turbulence. In the Paper the author has established the fact that at Eruption, the gaseous or more correctly the vaporous Magma behaves as an Ideal Gas obeying the Gas Laws more particularly the Gay-Lussac"s
more » ... w. The lowest and highest temperatures of the vaporous magma have been found from the Review of Literature and the Gay-Lussac"s Law has been graphically plotted. From the slope of the graph, the value of the Gas Constant "R" is found to be fairly in good agreement with its standard value. Readers are requested to particularly read the Conclusion. P T = R The standard value of R is 8314 J kg mole K . Mole is usually not written and hence the unit is J kg K . In addition to gases, the law can be applied as mentioned earlier to fluids such as molten magma in the chamber. The molten magma is akin to weakly ionized plasma for which general laws of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics can be applied.
doi:10.17148/iarjset.2019.6801 fatcat:eli5efo4zfdo3j6uahpde3xi7i