S. Korniienko, I. Korniienko, V. Shevaha, I. Domanov, O. Zhyrna
2022 Наукові праці Державного науково-дослідного інституту випробувань і сертифікації озброєння та військової техніки  
The article considers the problem of organizing the process of testing samples of weapons and military equipment in terms of selection and appointment for testing of engineering and testing personnel. A mechanism for the distribution of personnel is proposed, which should be an integral part of the automated information system for supporting the testing of weapons and military equipment. Based on the functional modeling of the test system, the main processes to which the personnel of the test
more » ... ganization are involved are detailed. The basic principles of personnel involvement, which can influence the system of appointment and distribution of test engineers at different stages of testing, are formulated. The mechanism is based on the tools of project management personnel management. Structural and functional schemes of the subsystem of personnel appointment at different stages of formation of a team of testers are offered. The expected beneficial effect of automating the appointment of personnel during mass tests is to reduce the time associated with the appointment of the team and the preparation of relevant guidance and accompanying documents, ensuring the best match between the tasks of testing samples of weapons and testers, establishing an effective system of analysis and assessment of compliance of individual competencies of the staff of test engineers.
doi:10.37701/dndivsovt.12.2022.07 fatcat:p7ig74xz4ve73bb5ed2ze7gg74