Cumulative occupational mechanical exposures during working life and risk of sickness absence and disability pension: prospective cohort study

Emil Sundstrup, Ã…se Marie Hansen, Erik Lykke Mortensen, Otto Melchior ­Poulsen, Thomas Clausen, Reiner Rugulies, Anne Møller, Lars L Andersen
2017 Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health  
Using a biomechanical job exposure matrix combined with Danish registers, cumulative occupational mechanical exposures throughout life (ie, more years with heavy and frequent lifting, and kneeling work) predicted risk of long-term sickness absence among older workers. Importantly, heavy lifting throughout working life was associated with disability pension.
doi:10.5271/sjweh.3663 pmid:28783203 fatcat:wu4ktncc7fckjm4pxmujmdddme