Group judgment and advice-taking: The social context underlying CEO compensation decisions

Bryan L. Bonner, Brian D. Cadman
2014 Group Dynamics  
Groups are often tasked with making important organizational decisions. For example, CEO compensation judgments are made by groups of decision makers with no specialized compensation training who receive advice from a third party with a potential bias. This study seeks to understand the effects of this challenging context on decision making. We explore whether and how decision makers adjust their judgments, considering the potential for advisor bias. This is an essential issue in CEO
more » ... n that is difficult to assess through traditional archival research based on publicly available data. Our study explores how decision makers, in the context of compensation committees, process and use advice provided by external parties. Our findings illustrate that individuals adjust for known conflicts of interest in the information provided to them. However, we do not find that individuals discount lavish advice to a greater extent than more modest advice, and the group decision-making process fails to correct for this tendency.
doi:10.1037/gdn0000011 fatcat:rrsd4puyo5e2dmfa24csl7xtte