Mathematical Literacy Movement for Mathematics Teachers in SDN Duri Kepa 05 Pagi to improve Learning Motivation [Gerakan Literasi Matematika Bagi Guru Matematika di SDN Duri Kepa 05 Pagi untuk meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar siswa]

Alberth Supriyanto Manurung, Abdul Halim
2019 Proceeding of Community Development  
Mathematics is the science of logic regarding shapes, structures, quantities, and concepts related to each other. Learning Mathematics in the form of a Mathematical Literacy Movement is not just about increasing curiosity but always developing according to the times, Mathematics subjects aim to instill and develop the process of counting on the teacher. Based on observations in SDN Duri Kepa 05 Early morning in the learning process the teacher still uses conventional teaching methods or
more » ... centered as information givers, with the mathematics literacy movement expected to improve the good quality of each concept in the form of problem application. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase learning motivation by applying the Mathematical Literacy Movement in schools and to increase knowledge which changes at any time. The subject of this community service is all Mathematics Teachers in SDN Duri Kepa 05 Pagi. Method of approach to support the realization of Education and Training Understanding of mathematics literacy movements for mathematics teachers includes Theoretical approach (Workshop), Field application approaches, Evaluation approaches. In this activity, it is expected that partner participation is at least 10 Participants registered, and those who attend the workshop are expected to be 100%. In the field guide, it is expected to be 100% guided.
doi:10.30874/comdev.2018.460 fatcat:gjb5uyarm5c4reggv7isli7ob4