Use of the Pseudo-Rigid Body Model to Simplify the Description of Complliant Micro-Mechanisms

L.G. Salmon, D.B. Gunyan, J.M. Derderian, P.G. Opdahl, L.L. Howell
1996 1996 Solid-State, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop Technical Digest   unpublished
This paper reports the use of the pseudo-rigid body method to predict the motion of compliant micro-mechanisms (CMEMS). Physical measurement of the motion of CMEMS structures is compared with predictins of the pseudo-rigid body model and finite element analysis. It is shown that for some structures the computationally simple pseudo-rigid body model can accurately predict the motion of these structures with error of less than the measurement accuracy of 0.5µm for deflections as large as 30µm.
more » ... s paper also discusses the use of the pseudo-rigid body model to provide a hierarchical approach to CMEMS desi gn that sharply reduces the computation time required to predict the motion of complex CMEMS structures.
doi:10.31438/trf.hh1996.32 fatcat:nk3ori4psza2hktx65nbygg75a