The Phenomenon of Intrusive Thoughts in Yejide Kilanko's Daughters Who Walk This Path

Shamaila Dodhy
2017 Advances in Language and Literary Studies  
Hegemonic masculinity, with patriarchal supremacy and female subservience are the norms of many African societies. Suffering in silence goes along with the traditional place of woman in African societies as they observe sexist hierarchy of power. Physical attack and its wounds flourish in an atmosphere of secrecy and silence. Silence to such problems escalates psychological distress, casting adverse effects on the individual. Silence leaves overt and covert markings on the psyche. Intrusive
more » ... ghts are one of symptoms among nightmares, flashbacks, fear, and anxiety of psychological trauma. No previous research examined the intrusion of intrusive thoughts which disturb the life of Morayo. The article addresses this gap as this symptom of trauma makes life difficult for a girl whose trust is violated by a kinsman. This work accentuates that speaking-out can end a false sense of shame that survivors often carry. Speech will agitate legal change, bring about advancement in therapeutic approaches, and undermine social myths about sexual assault which will promote acceptance for the survivors.
doi:10.7575/aiac.alls.v.8n.5p.99 fatcat:wlqwwob7gnaqdgyxeslyawgwmy