To Destroy the Wire Worm
Scientific American
5titn1:ifrt amtxitart. 311isrdlun�nn�. Anlmalculoo of the Se a. Natural Creation and the Law of :Rat', e". Do the relations which exist in nature;show satisfactotily that all classes of animals, and aU individual animais are partial expressions of a general thought and manifestations of im-There are many delicate and fragile animals material reality, of a plan laid out by It supreme which live at great depths in the sea, often I Intelligence ? from 2000 to 3000 fest bel�w its s � face. These To
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... establish; the affirmative of this ques erea tures, therefore have to sustam the prestion, the various types of animals are not evol Bure of a col� of water of that heigh t, a presved from one another; yet, they are the con sure of from 60 to 90 times greater than that secutive stages in one plan. All animals, of � he II1tmosphere UpOl,lOur bodies. Y et th � se therefore, are separated into classes, which can annnals are not orushed, they move about wIth have no <:ommon material origin; yet they be perfect ease, under circumstances still more, long to one plan, and point to a common issue surprising than those under which we live.of their series. And the reason is, that this hydrostatic pres-There are four types of animal existence, in sure is equal on aU sides; the bodies o f the se separably distinct, Radiata, Mollutca, Articu animals are equally pressed above, below, and j lata and Vertebrata, we approach this con around, and the �uid� within . the annimal ate elusion by asking whether there is an intellec -also either of sumhar denSIty, or they are tual connection between the types thus mate nearly incompressible, that all the (hfferent rially separate and incommunicable, showing pressures counterbalance eacl1 other. In the that they are the connection of a preconceived, same , marmer the fluid atmosphere presses and hence :;ntelligent and intended plan, laid equally in a.ll directions, and the human body out before their creation and carried out in immersed in it may be compared to a sponge I reality, in a succession or' types? plun ged into deep water i it is not crushed, 1 In the succession of organized beings, we