Self-Care Through Self-Compassion: A Balm for Burnout

Susannah C. Coaston
2017 The Professional Counselor  
Counselors are routinely exposed to painful situations and overwhelming emotions that can, over time, result in burnout. Although counselors routinely promote self-care, many struggle to practice such wellness regularly, putting themselves at increased risk for burning out. Compassion is essential to the helper's role, as it allows counselors to develop the therapeutic relationship vital for change; however, it is often difficult to direct this compassion inward. Developing an attitude of
more » ... ompassion and mindfulness in the context of a self-care plan can create space for an authentic, kind response to the challenges inherent in counseling. This article expands beyond the aspirational aspects of self-compassion and suggests a variety of practices for the mind, body, and spirit, with the intention of supporting the development of an individualized selfcare plan for counselors.
doi:10.15241/scc.7.3.285 fatcat:vonqmjbx5naztnzvusykdibsfi