1013 Deliberate self-harm among children and young people at a large secondary care centre

Ria Samuel, Janet Craze, Yvonne Nsiah
2021 Abstracts   unpublished
urine culture performed. 91% (10/11) of children were prescribed antibiotics appropriately. 100% (7/7) had ultrasonography and DMSA in accordance with the schedule. There was one child who required an MCUG, and was prescribed prophylactic antibiotics. Conclusions NICE CG54 comprehensively outlines the diagnosis and management of UTIs, but can be challenging to navigate. Results from our first audit cycle revealed a number of learning points. Firstly, there was a lack of clarity regarding the
more » ... inition of upper and lower UTIs, and hence, antibiotic regimes and duration did not conform to NICE standards. Secondly, it was often not recognised that those under 3months-old should have a urine culture performed. Lastly, there was poor compliance in undertaking imaging when warranted. We addressed these areas for improvement through introducing teaching sessions and aide-mémoires, and demonstrated improvement in compliance to NICE CG54 in our re-audit.
doi:10.1136/archdischild-2021-rcpch.335 fatcat:byx2xr3qandudc7xrkpze4uloe