Service Restoration Enhancement by FIs Deployment in Distribution System Considering Available AMI System

Alireza Fereidunian, Mohammad Abbasi Talabari
2020 IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution  
Service restoration is considered as one of the most staple functions of distribution automation, which executes the fault location, isolation and service restoration (FLISR) function in case of contingency occurrence. The first part of the FLISR function is the fault location that can be improved through fault indicators (FIs) employment in electricity distribution system (EDS). On the other hand, the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) is widely proliferated in EDSs in order to gather the
more » ... onsumers' consumption data for the operational purposes. In this study, FIs are deployed in the EDS considering available AMI data, using a metaheuristic optimisation method. The economic objective function of the optimisation problem consists of the total customers' interruption cost and the total cost of FI deployment. In addition, the technical objective function of the problem is the system average interruption duration index. In order to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method, it is implemented on bus number four of the Roy Billinton test system. The results show that the number of deployed FIs reduces when the electric utility uses the proposed method.
doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2019.1250 fatcat:6bys7gubbbcwlcowgtwlqr43fi