TL-moments of the exponentiated generalized extreme value distribution

Noura A.T. Abu El-Magd
2010 Journal of Advanced Research  
TL-moments and LQ-moments of the exponentiated generalized extreme value distribution (EGEV) will be obtained and used to estimate the unknown parameters of the EGEV distribution. Many special cases may be obtained such as the L-moments, LH-moments and LL-moments. The estimation of the EGEV distribution parameters is studied in numerical simulations where the method for obtaining TL-moments is compared with other estimation methods (L-moments estimators, LQ-moment estimators and the method of
more » ... ment estimators). The true formulae for the rth classical moments and the probability weighted moments for the EGEV distribution will be obtained to correct the Adeyemi and Adebanji [1] results.
doi:10.1016/j.jare.2010.06.003 fatcat:t2aiyuubd5bdhgro34ei3af5vi