A Geometrical Aspect of Multiplicity Distribution and Elastic Diffraction Scattering

H. Minakata
1974 Progress of theoretical physics  
1481 A simple geometrical picture is presented which leads to the compound Poisson-type multiplicity distribution. In this picture a specific choice of the distribution enables us to determine the inelastic overlap function. We take the P6lya-Eggenberger distribution which was previously discussed by the present author and by others. Elastic diffraction scattering is discussed by the use of the unitarity relation. A close connection between the long-range property of correlations and the
more » ... ge of the diffraction peak is found. § I. Introduction Recent bubble chamber experiments 1 l at Serpukhov and at NAL on the multiplicity distribution have revealed a new feature of multiple production phenomena. There exist strong correlations among particles produced and they seem to have a long-range nature. Furthermore the scaling due to Koba, Nielsen and Olesen 2 l (KNO) seems to be successful and prescribes the properties of longrange correlations to some extent. Several authors 3 l~5) pointed out independently that the P6lya-Eggenberger distribution 6 l•*l o-n(s) = T(n+IB)___(_l_-f c 1 +iJ)-;a c 1 . 1 ) O"inel n!T(<n)/iJ) 1+() successfully describes the above features of the experimental data. The distribution satisfies the KNO scaling if the infection parameter (J has a logarithmic energy dependence,
doi:10.1143/ptp.51.1481 fatcat:mk32gkloyrbvrpqvivrwbva7om