Strain Membrane Design of SOI Pressure Sensor

Jun. Zhao, Zhi.Jun. Yao, Zheng. Li
2018 Proceedings of the 2nd International Forum on Management, Education and Information Technology Application (IFMEITA 2017)   unpublished
Abstract:The SOI pressure sensor is a new high temperature pressure sensor made of SOI materials. The sensitivity of the SOI pressure sensor is determined by the design of the strain membrane and the pressure sensitive resistance. In this paper, the optimal size and thickness of the strain membrane, and the position of the doped pressure sensitive resistor are obtained by analyzing simulation results of chip strain membranes with the different sizes using a simulation tool ANSYS. These results
more » ... an provide an important scientific basis to the SOI pressure sensor chip design.
doi:10.2991/ifmeita-17.2018.93 fatcat:wyyykh4t7fayjoyylvjjyd4r4m