Onset and Saturation of Ion Heating by Odd-Parity Rotating Magnetic Fields in a Field-Reversed Configuration

A. S. Landsman, S. A. Cohen, A. H. Glasser
2006 Physical Review Letters  
Heating of figure-8 ions by odd-parity rotating magnetic fields (RMF_o) applied to an elongated field-reversed configuration (FRC) is investigated. The largest energy gain occurs at resonances (s ≡ω_R/ ω) of the RMF_o frequency, ω_R, with the figure-8 orbital frequency, ω, and is proportional to s^2 for s-even resonances and to s for s-odd resonances. The threshold for the transition from regular to stochastic orbits explains both the onset and saturation of heating. The FRC magnetic geometry
more » ... wers the threshold for heating below that in the tokamak by an order of magnitude.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.96.015002 pmid:16486467 fatcat:p6jjqmnyxjhoncag52ohort6hm