Camparison between one-day and two-consecutive day tests for fecal occult blood in the colorectal cancer screening

Hitoshi NARUMOTO, Keiko YANO, Seiji MATSUDA, Issei KARAI, Mariko MIYAKE, Shinichi HIGUMA, Kousei AKAGI, Kaoru TSUCHIMOTO, Ryuzou HIRAI, Katsuyasu KUSAKA, Kazuhiro MITANI, Shouichi KITA
1990 Journal of Gastroenterological Mass Survey  
Camparison between one-day and two-consecutive day tests for fecal occult blood in the colorectal cancer screening.
doi:10.11404/jsgcs1982.1990.89_110 fatcat:wn7hqastavakdiic3qbizkn7gy