Analisis Peluang Transformasi "E-Government" menjadi "E-Democracy"melalui Website Resmi Pemerintah Daerah

Hasymi Rinaldi, Ade Muhammad Yuardani
2015 Mimbar: Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan  
E-democracy is very possible to exist in many places regarding some phenomenon such as the more accessible and familiar the using of internet, the existence of Law No. 14 of 2008 forcing public institution to share public information, and the emergence of government's official website as a tool to distribute public information and interact with people. Unfortunately, e-democracy does not automatically emerge when the existence of people is still ignored. This paper examines the opportunity of
more » ... ansformation for e-government on to be e-democracy. The way to examine is by analyzing the ability of the website to stimulate people to participate more actively in the development and government.
doi:10.29313/mimbar.v31i1.1201 fatcat:no3e6o4ygnbg5ovqwc4c6z35mu