An inexpensive air stream temperature controller and its use to facilitate temperature controlled behavior in living Drosophila [article]

Ryan M Sangston, Jay Hirsh
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
Controlling the environment of an organism has many biologically relevant applications. Temperature-dependent inducible biological reagents have proven invaluable for elucidating signaling cascades and dissection of neural circuits. Here we develop a simple and affordable system for rapidly changing temperature in a chamber housing adult Drosophila melanogaster. Utilizing flies expressing the temperature inducible channel dTrpA1 in dopaminergic neurons, we show rapid and reproducible changes in
more » ... locomotor behavior. This device should have wide application to temperature modulated biological reagents.
doi:10.1101/439414 fatcat:fbpzo7pxtfg6lika53kldarzhe