Hermeneutics and Truth: From Alētheia to Attestation

Sebastian Purcell
2013 Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies  
This essay aims to correct a prevalent misconception about Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics, which understands it to support a conception of human understanding as finite as Heidegger did, but in a more "conceptuallyconservative" way. The result is that Ricoeur's work is viewed as incapable of addressing the most pressingproblems in contemporary Continental metaphysics. In response, it is argued that Ricoeur is in fact the firstto develop an infinite hermeneutics, which departs significantly from
more » ... deggerian finitude. This positionis demonstrated by tracing the itinerary from Heidegger's account of aletheia to Ricoeur's account ofattestation. The conclusion, then, not only clears Ricoeur of the stated charges, but also presents a moreviable path for the future of hermeneutics.
doi:10.5195/errs.2013.156 fatcat:x6eed5tcijf45lrarydoyr66sm