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1990 ICGA Journal  
The addresses of authors not mentloned above will be found elsewhere ill trus Issue of the Journal Contnbutlons (up to 4000 words) should be typed double spaced, or, preferably, sent by EARN to AWINFVDH@HMARL5 orby UUCP to HERIK@RUM or on a MS Dos formatted 5 25 mch diskette, m the form of a file fit for VENTURA, TEX or TROFF processmg, chess dl agrams when helpful should be mcluded, all notatlons must be algebraiC, With N for Krught Short contnbutlOns (2000 3000 words) are preferred Longer
more » ... rs of stnkmg ongmahty and cogency may be considered, proVided the authors consent to pubhcatlOn m mstalments Please SUbmit contnbutlons and correspondence to Prof dr H J van den Henk
doi:10.3233/icg-1990-13322 fatcat:awcr37nvt5gyngudu37fa6l5gu