Recrystallization of High Symmetry Aluminium Single Crystals After Plane Strain Compression

A. Akef, R. Fortunier, J. H. Driver, T. Watanabe
1991 Textures and Microstructures  
Recrystallization textures have been correlated with the initial deformation textures and microstructures of 3 high symmetry orientations of aluminium crystals deformed in plane strain compression up to true strains of 1,5 and annealed at 400C. The deformation textures were characterised by X-my pole figures and the recrystallized grain orientations by SACP. The initial orientations were chosen to provide different types and spatial distributions of potential nucleation sites in the form of high lattice misorientation regions.
doi:10.1155/tsm.14-18.617 fatcat:g7j34p5ndrh2dpaxzwsab4ngve