Empirical treatment for suspected Tuberculous pericarditis –When is it justifiable?

H. M. Senarathna, C. L. Fonseka, P. U. T. De Silva, C. K. Bodinayake
2019 Journal of the Ruhunu Clinical Society  
Introduction Pericardial effusion (PE) is an abnormal accumulation of fluid within the pericardial space. A Pericardial effusion could be primary or secondary to cardiac or systemic diseaseand includes infectious, neoplastic, autoimmune, metabolic and drug relatedetiologies. The severitycould range from mild asymptomatic effusion to cardiac tamponade which compromise the cardiac output.
doi:10.4038/jrcs.v24i1.73 fatcat:bjdephcjnzddjl3hzic54puevu