MMIC amplifier-based receivers for Earth remote sensing

Douglas E. Dawson, Todd C. Gaier, Sander Weinreb, Matthew A. Morgan, Mary Wells, Roger Appleby, David A. Wikner, Robert Trebits, James L. Kurtz
2003 Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging Technology VI and Radar Sensor Technology VII  
We have developed amplifier based receivers using Indium Phosphide high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) technology. These compact receivers are designed with atmospheric temperature and humidity sounding requirements in mind, operating at 100-125 GHz around the 118 GHz oxygen line, and at 160-185GHz near the 183 GHz water line, with average noise temperatures of 1600 and 1200K respectively. They are intended for applications where small volume
more » ... nd power consumption are critical. We will present laboratory data on the noise temperature of these receivers operated at room temperature and preliminary field data.
doi:10.1117/12.487381 fatcat:4unaf6zvyjauxe57fr3yvqctna