Exploring teacher competence in language teaching

Jack C. Richards
2011 The Language Teacher  
Our understanding of the nature of teacher competence shapes the way we conceptualize the nature of teacher learning, and in turn, how we design teacher training and teacher development programs for language teachers. In this paper I will briefly consider 10 qualities or characteristics of exemplary language teachers in an attempt to conceptualise the nature of competence, expertise, and professionalism in language teaching.
more » ... ムを計画する際にも影響を与えている。本論では、典型的な語学教師の10の資質・特徴を簡潔に述べ、語学教育における教師の能力、専門知識、専門性などの特質の概念化を試みる。
doi:10.37546/jalttlt35.4-2 fatcat:4m6lp47vnvejrbvgtoefvwjyi4