Latency inflation with MPLS-based traffic engineering

Abhinav Pathak, Ming Zhang, Y. Charlie Hu, Ratul Mahajan, Dave Maltz
2011 Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement conference - IMC '11  
While MPLS has been extensively deployed in recent years, little is known about its behavior in practice. We examine the performance of MPLS in Microsoft's online service network (MSN), a well-provisioned multi-continent production network connecting tens of data centers. Using detailed traces collected over a 2-month period, we find that many paths experience significantly inflated latencies. We correlate occurrences of latency inflation with routers, links, and DC-pairs. This analysis sheds
more » ... ght on the causes of latency inflation and suggests several avenues for alleviating the problem.
doi:10.1145/2068816.2068859 dblp:conf/imc/PathakZHMM11 fatcat:axd4bdra7rgrjmqcgo33cuq5uy