Speedup-Oriented History-Based Tiling Algorithm for the HEVC Standard Targeting an Efficient Parallelism Exploration

Iago Storch, Daniel Palomino, Bruno Zatt, Luciano Agostini
2018 Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems  
This paper proposes a history-based tiling algo-rithm intending to increase the speedup when using Tiles. The algorithm is composed of two independent steps that use work-load history information to define the vertical and horizontal boundaries of the Tiles. The workload distribution of previous frames is used as reference to perform the tiling of the current frame, exploiting the temporal similarity between neighboring frames, focusing on improving the speedup. Experimental re-sults show that
more » ... he proposed algorithm outperforms the speedup when compared to uniform tiling by up to 38%, whereas posing no significant complexity increase nor coding efficiency losses. When compared to related works the proposed solution also presents better results.
doi:10.29292/jics.v13i1.24 fatcat:sxcfudrkxrcpnkkpmant564ujy