Ruminal survival of Propionibacterium thoenii T159 in dairy cows at high feed intake

Jikun Chen, Helge Holo, Angela Schwarm, Odd Magne Harstad
2020 Acta agriculturae Scandinavica. Section A, Animal science  
Propionibacterium thoenii strain T159 (5 × 10 11 CFU) were administered daily in the rumen of four Norwegian Red dairy cows. Total Propionibacterium in the rumen were substantially increased during and after the treatment with T159 relative to the background. Strain T159 was able to persist for at least five days in the rumen of dairy cows at high dry matter intake (3.9% of body weight).
doi:10.1080/09064702.2020.1769719 fatcat:g34ve4vtjrfpniuhgsanr544yy