Chroococcoid cyanobacteria: a significant component in the food web dynamics of the open ocean

R Iturriaga, BG Mitchell
1986 Marine Ecology Progress Series  
New techniques used during a recent study in the oligotrophic North Pacific Ocean demonstrated that coccoid cyanobacteria were the most abundant photoautotrophs. Despite their small size, they accounted for 64 % of the total photosynthesis, with specific growth rates of 1.6 d-'. Grazing experiments indicated that a diverse assemblage of micrograzers is able to consume and effectively metabolize chroococcoid cyanobacteria. In the open ocean, a significant trophic interaction occurs between
more » ... acteria and micrograzers, components not included in the classical paradigm of the oceanic food web.
doi:10.3354/meps028291 fatcat:5wrrothhwjb2rees6p7fhnltdy