Developing Learning Trajectory Based Instruction of the Volume and Surface Area of the Block

Hongki Julie
2017 Proceedings of the 5th SEA-DR (South East Asia Development Research) International Conference 2017 (SEADRIC 2017)   unpublished
Three components on a hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) are (1) the learning goal, (2) the learning activities, and (3) the way of students' thinking and learning. A learning trajectory based instruction (LTBI) is defined as a teaching and learning trajectory that used HLT for instructional decisions. Although the research related to student learning in measurement of length, area and volume quite a lot, but the research related to student learning in connection between the measurement of
more » ... ength, area and volume is still relatively small. The researcher tried to develop a context which helps students to construct the formula of the volume and the surface area of block. In this paper, the researcher will present about the LTBI for grade five students about the volume and the surface area of the block used RME approach. According to Two methods to find the volume of the three-dimensional figure are (1) the space is packed with a three-dimensional array unit which is iterated in the three-dimension and we called as the packing method, and (2) the space is filled by iterating a fluid unit which takes the shape of the container and we called as the filling method. The method chosen by researcher to find the volume of block in this paper is the packing method. The type of the research used by the researcher in this study is the design research developed by Gravemeijer and Cobb. According to Gravemeijer and Cobb, there are three phases in the research development, namely (1) the preparation of the design, (2) testing the design, and (3) the retrospective analysis. The researcher' exposure in this paper is limited to the first stage of the design research developed by Gravemeijer and Cobb.
doi:10.2991/seadric-17.2017.84 fatcat:dvnrqx6cg5afvgimufpziqfxhy