Generalized Soft Wall model

S.S. Afonin
2013 Physics Letters B  
We develop an exactly solvable generalization of the soft wall holographic model for the vector mesons. The generalization preserves the ultraviolet and infrared asymptotics of the soft wall model and contains an additional free parameter. This new parameter provides an arbitrary intercept in the Regge like spectrum of radial excitations and leads to a substantial modification of asymptotic expansion of the vector correlator at large momentum. The matching to the Operator Product Expansion from
more » ... QCD allows to estimate the value of the new parameter which is shown to be in a good agreement with the phenomenology. In addition, the mass splitting between the vector and axial mesons arises naturally via the opposite sign of the introduced contribution to the intercept.
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2013.01.055 fatcat:7ybcl6qcovdx5gd5qyzubnesne