New leptogenesis scenario parametrized by Dirac neutrino mass matrix
Pei-Hong Gu
Physical Review D
In an SU(3)_c× SU(2)_L× SU(2)_R× U(1)_B-L left-right symmetric framework, we present a new leptogenesis scenario parametrized by Dirac neutrino mass matrix. Benefited from the parity symmetry motivated to solve the strong CP problem, the dimensionless couplings of the mirror fields are identified to those of the ordinary fields. In particular, the mirror Dirac neutrinos have a heavy mass matrix proportional to the light mass matrix of the ordinary Dirac neutrinos. Through the SU(2)_R gauge
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... actions, the mirror neutrinos can decay to generate a lepton asymmetry in the mirror muons and an opposite lepton asymmetry in the mirror electrons. Before the SU(2)_L sphaleron processes stop working, the mirror muons can efficiently decay into the ordinary right-handed leptons with a dark matter scalar and hence the mirror muon asymmetry can be partially converted to a desired baryon asymmetry.