
Maribel Yasmina Santos, Cristiano Pendão, Bruno Ferreira, Luis Gonçalves, Guilherme Moreira, Adriano Moreira, João A. Carvalho
2015 Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '15  
Health monitoring is changing the way people feel and care about their physical condition in an era where electronic devices and sensors can follow us in a continuous basis. This surveillance process is mainly related to very specific conditions or vital signs, being the collected information stored for later data processing. This paper presents the work undertaken under the central system of the MyHealth project, dedicated to the collection and analysis of information on physiological and
more » ... tatic processes ensuring a source of integrated, flexible and shareable clinical information used to support the decision making process. The proposed system is able to collect and fuse data from different medical specialties, in different formats and with different data collection rates. The development of this work is based on advanced knowledge in the medical field, biomedical engineering, computing and telecommunications, thus benefitting from an interdisciplinary approach that is able to provide added value services and decision support information to the healthcare professionals.
doi:10.1145/2695664.2695894 dblp:conf/sac/SantosPFGMMC15 fatcat:nmy743vvtbdw5cket5rcwstgcu