A Study on Continued Usage of Mobile Telecommunication Companies by Killer-app Lock-in
킬러앱 고착화(Lock-in)로 인한 이동통신사의 지속적 사용의도에 관한 연구

Jong-Oh Lee, Dong Gyun Han, Jong Gab Lee, Sunro Lee
2014 Journal of Digital Convergence  
This study is about the influence between usages of smartphone by studying the characteristics of killer-app on smartphone in a perspective of switching cost and lock-in and studied about influence between killer-app and continued usage of mobile telecommunication companies. As a result of the study, information characteristics and network externality has a positive effect on switching cost and lock-in. Switching cost has a positive influence on lock-in but not on intention of continued usage
more » ... killer-app. It has shown that lock-in has a positive influence on intention of continued usage of killer-app and plays a mediating role between switching cost and continued usage of killer-app. Finally, intention of continued usage of killer-app has a positive influence on intention of continued usage of mobile telecommunication companies. Re c e i v e d1 6Ap r i l2 0 1 4 ,Re v i s e d 8Ma y2 0 1 4 Ac c e p t e d2 0J u n e2 0 1 4 C o r r e s p o n d i n gAu t h o r :S u n r oL e e ( Yo n s e iUn i v e r s i t y ) E ma i l :t r o y l e e @y o n s e i . a c . k r
doi:10.14400/jdc.2014.12.6.297 fatcat:vkmpxqay7rfmbcipuq2e3luwke