Poloxamer 407 Based Gel Formulations for Transungual Delivery of Hydrophobic Drugs: Selection and Optimization of Potential Additives

Kamran Hidayat Ullah, Faisal Raza, Syed Mohsin Munawar, Muhammad Sohail, Hajra Zafar, Mazhar Iqbal Zafar, Tofeeq Ur-Rehman
2021 Polymers  
The current study aimed to develop poloxamer 407 (P407) gel for transungual delivery of antifungal hydrophobic drugs with sufficient gel strength and drug loading. Gel strength and drug loading of P407 gel was improved by use of functional additives. Hydration enhancement effect was used to select optimum nail penetration enhancer. Face-centered central composite design (FCCCD) was used to observe the effect of the selected penetration enhancer (thioglycolic acid (TGA)) and cosolvent (ethanol)
more » ... n gelation behavior to develop formulation with enough loading of hydrophobic drug, i.e., terbinafine HCl (TBN), and its permeation across the nail plate without compromising on gel strength. It was observed that increasing concentration of P407 and TGA significantly reduced gelation temperature and enhanced the gel strength of P407 gel and can be used to improve P407 gel strength. Under the scanning electron microscope, the significant effect of TGA as an ungual penetration enhancer was observed on the morphology of the nail plate. Optimized P407 gel prepared with modified cold method showed a gelation temperature of 8.7 ± 0.16 °C, gel strength of 122 ± 7.5 s and drug loading of 1.2% w/w, which was four times more than the drug loading in the gels prepared with conventional cold method. Rheological behavior was pseudoplastic with 47.75 ± 3.48% of gel erosion after 12 washings and 67.21 ± 2.16% of drug release after 12 h. A cumulative amount of TBN permeated from P407 gel with and without PE after 24 h was 27.30 ± 4.18 and 16.69 ± 2.31 µg/cm2, respectively. Thioglycolic acid can be used as a nail penetration enhancer without the chemical modification or addition of extra additives while retaining the gel strength. Water miscible cosolvents with moderate evaporability such as ethanol, can be incorporated to P407 gel by minor modification in method of preparation to load the required dose of hydrophobic drugs. Developed P407 gel formulation with sufficient gel strength and drug loading will be a promising carrier for transungual delivery of hydrophobic antifungal agents.
doi:10.3390/polym13193376 pmid:34641190 fatcat:4hq66rfsjrgalehihytyx6ga5y