"It Feels Like Home When You Eat Rice and Beans": Perspectives of Urban Latinos Living With Diabetes

A. Caban, E. A. Walker, S. Sanchez, M. S. Mera
2008 Diabetes Spectrum  
Background. Studies on Hispanics/ Latinos with diabetes have largely focused on Mexican-American populations. This qualitative study explored psychosocial issues that affect diabetes self-management for Hispanic men and women of primarily Caribbean ancestry. Methods. Thirty-seven adults with diabetes in Bronx, N.Y., were recruited to seven focus groups, which were conducted in Spanish and English, audiotaped, transcribed, and subjected to qualitative analysis. Results. New themes emerged that
more » ... e not well documented in the research literature for Hispanic/Latino populations with diabetes. These include the effect of diabetes on sexual health problems,
doi:10.2337/diaspect.21.2.120 fatcat:ym3iqe3qj5dzbpgweoqu7jiwti