Implementation of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter using MATLAB-DSP (ezDSP28335) Interfacing

W. Razia Sultana, Sarat Kumar Sahoo, Hari Ohm Singh, Ankit Dubey
2014 Research Journal of Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology  
This study demonstrates, the generation of triggering signals using SPWM technique for a seven level H-Bridge cascaded inverter with the help of MATLAB-DSP (ezDSP 28335) interfacing without using EPWM block and presents the final output of the inverter. The focus is mainly on hardware implementation of Cascaded H-Bridge MLI using MATLAB-DSP interfacing. Generation of triggering signals using MATLAB-DSP interfacing has been explained briefly. Use of GPIO block in SIMULINK model makes the
more » ... ng signal generation easier and more efficient. The switching control signals required for triggering of switches are generated using MATLAB-DSP (ezDSP 28335) interfacing. This approach exploits the advantages of block programming in SIMULINK.
doi:10.19026/rjaset.7.708 fatcat:oqg66g4oybh55cvmd7flndgpji