Comparison of Educational Effects on Hands-only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) with Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) by Elementary School Students
초등학생 가슴압박소생술과 기본심폐소생술의 교육효과 비교

Myung Ja Ahn, Young Im Kim
2014 Journal of the Korean Society of School Health  
Purpose: The object of this study was to compare the educational effect about self-efficacy and the quality of chest compressions of Hands-only CPR and Basic CPR. Methods: It's a nonequivalent control group pre-post repeated quasi-experiment study conducted with entire fifth grade students belong to one school in H city. The study participants are 68 persons, and data were collected from December 2, 2013 to February 7, 2014. Self-efficacy was measured by 10 items, and the quality of chest
more » ... ssions was measured by 5 variables which are average compression depth(mm), average rate (n/min), average count per minutes (n), abnormal placement (n), compression accuracy (%). Results: Self-efficacy of the experimental group and control group showed no significant difference but showed significant difference over time and was the highest at posttest 1 (immediately after education), the lowest at pretest (before education), middle at posttest 2 (8weeks after education) (p<.001). Experimental group was significantly higher than control group in average rate per minute. At posttest 1, experimental group was 130.0±9.38 times, control group was 95.1±11.82 times. At posttest2, experimental group was 124.0±14.89 times, control group was 90.8±14.89 times.(p<.001). Average rate (n/min) was significantly declined at control group in the quality of chest compressions over time (t=-2.400, p=.022). Average count per minute and compression accuracy were declined significantly so it were not maintained to posttest2. Conclusion: We need continuous CPR education because self-efficacy of CPR getting lower significantly over time. Hands-only CPR can't be seen as a way to increase the CPR ability of elementary school students having difficulty to perform artificial breathing. And, because the effect of education is not maintained 8wks after training, the technique centered repeated training is needed and a method which can increase compression accuracy is also needed.
doi:10.15434/kssh.2014.27.3.130 fatcat:urvtwgi3ejfgzinjtlbbluh4xa