Effect of silane coupling treatment and airborne-particle abrasion on shear bond strength between photo-cured bulk-fill flowable composite resin and silverpalladium-copper-gold alloy using self-adhesive resin cement

2019 Dental materials journal  
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of silane coupling treatment and airborne-particle abrasion (APA) on shear bond strength (SBS) between photo-cured bulk-fill flowable composite resin and 12% silver-palladium-copper-gold (Ag-Pd-Cu-Au) alloy using self-adhesive resin cement. The six experimental groups were compared using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey Kramer's post-hoc test to compare SBS values among the six groups at a 95% confidence level.
more » ... SBS of APA groups was significantly higher than non-APA groups. The SBS of the specimens with silane coupling treatment increased slightly compared with specimens without silane coupling treatment. The combination of resin coating with bulk-fill resin and self-adhesive resin cement could be clinically useful when restoring a cavity with a noble metal.
doi:10.4012/dmj.2018-121 fatcat:rkum4siyqfarfpfxkyqvadfpli