General Information Regarding Criminality Related to Political Conditions

Tiberiu Viorel Popescu
2020 Zenodo  
ABSTRACT: Crime related to political conditions is a rare topic in socio-human research. This issue, at least in terms of state crime, can be paradoxical compared to the role that the state and the political regime have in social organization. However, taking into account the specifics of this type of crime, the mentioned issue can be addressed in criminological studies, starting from the specifics of this autonomous science that benefits its own concepts, different from the concepts with which
more » ... criminal law operates. In this study we will also assess the extent to which and the situations in which the State as an entity can infringe on social values that it should defend through the multiple levers at its disposal, in the context in which it cannot be subject to criminal law. And, if this was ever possible, what was the social reaction to this circumstance? How can one react to crime related to political conditions whenever it could be identified in one of today's societies? KEYWORDS: criminal law, criminology, crime, criminality
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4268563 fatcat:f4vtobkoanh7rfajgxjd4paofm