Al Qaeda and Vicarious Victims: Victimological Insights into Globalized Terrorism [chapter]

Antony Pemberton
2010 Studies in Global Justice  
The reactions of indirect, so-called vicarious victims to Al Qaeda's mass victimization attacks in Western countries play an important, maybe even pivotal role in her strategy of provocation and means of organization. This is the central argument of this chapter. The organization has tried and succeeded to provoke both governments in the West, but its inhabitants as well. The success of this provocation is related to angry reactions of vicarious victims and the process of vicarious retribution
more » ... uslims living in Western countries have suffered as a consequence. In turn this has contributed to Al Qaeda's capability to maintain a global presence, without the necessity of direct, but thereby fragile links, with all those working under its banner.
doi:10.1007/978-90-481-9020-1_10 fatcat:5kajla7amzdv7iju4j6d6hndpe