Comparison of study model and digital panoramic radiograph in estimating tooth size and arch length in children

Nadia Farrag, Salwa Awad
2010 Egyptian Orthodontic Journal  
Background: Background: Background: Mixed dentition space analysis helps to assess the amount of space required for the alignment of unerupted permanent teeth in the dental arch. Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: This study was conducted to compare between the use of study model and digital panoramic radiograph with special computer software program in estimating tooth size and arch length in children. 2 Volume 37 -June 2010 level of probability). These predicted measurements of
more » ... ted canines and premolars were compared to that measured from the digital panoramic radiographs using (AUTOCAD 2010) program. Results: Results: Results: Results: No statistical significant difference was observed between study model and digital panoramic radiograph with 1:1 magnification factor in estimating tooth size and arch length in children of the present study. Conclusion: Conclusion: Conclusion: Conclusion: Using 1:1 magnification digital panoramic radiograph with special software computer program is an applicable, accurate and effective method for estimating tooth size and arch length.
doi:10.21608/eos.2010.78769 fatcat:ed2voujghzhkdiyhk2zzuvhvhm