Micro-electro-mechanical systems spatial light modulator development

Scot S. Olivier, Paul A. Bierden, Thomas G. Bifano, David J. Bishop, Emily Carr, William D. Cowan, Matthew R. Hart, Michael A. Helmbrecht, Peter A. Krulevitch, Richard S. Muller, Bernard Sadoulet, Olav Solgaard (+4 others)
2000 High-Resolution Wavefront Control: Methods, Devices, and Applications II  
The NSF Center for Adaptive Optics (CfAO) is coordinating a five to ten year program for the development of MEMS-based spatial light modulators suitable for adaptive optics applications. Participants in this multi-disciplinary program include several partner institutions and research collaborators. The goal of this program is to produce MEMS spatial light modulators with several thousand actuators that can be used for high-resolution wavefront control applications and would benefit from low
more » ... ce cost, small system size, and low power requirements. We present an overview of the CfAO MEMS development plan along with details of the current program status. Piston mirror array devices that satisfy minimum application requirements have been developed, and work is continuing to enhance the piston devices, add tip-tilt functionality, extend actuator stroke, create a large array addressing platform, and develop new coating processes.
doi:10.1117/12.407513 fatcat:pkjiob26fjaq3bexiyetvtrc2y