Establishment of Pre-Harvest Residue Limit (PHRL) of Methoxyfenozide and Novaluron on Peaches
복숭아 중 Methoxyfenozide와 Novaluron의 생산단계 농약잔류허용기준 설정

Kyung-Won Cho, Jae-Hun Park, Ji-Won Kim, Ji-Yeong Yoon, Hye-Ree Moon, Kyu-Seung Lee
2013 The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science  
Methoxyfenozide and novaluron were sprayed with single and triple treatments separately on peach during cultivation period. Samples were collected over 14 days, 8 times in total (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 days). Methoxyfenozide and novaluron were extracted with acetone and partitioned with dichloromethane, and analyzed by HPLC/DAD. Method Quantitation Limit (MQL) were both 0.005 mg/kg, average recoveries of methoxyfenozide at two fortification levels of 0.05 and 0.25 mg/kg were determined
more » ... .9% and 102.8±3.1%, and novaluron were 98.2±4.8% and 96.7±9.0%, respectively. The biological half-life of methoxyfenozide was about 4.41 days at single treatment, and 4.24 days at triple treatments. The biological half-life of novaluron was about 14.81 days at single treatment, and 14.50 days at triple treatments. Dissipation of pesticides on peach was influenced by growth dilution effect. In case of application of methoxyfenozide and novaluron following guidelines on safe use of pesticides, the final residue level was predicted to be lower than Maximum Residue Limit (MRL).
doi:10.7585/kjps.2013.17.1.6 fatcat:ygocrdujnve53igqb7tuw7qwpm