Identifying novel amino acid substitutions of hemagglutinin involved in virulence enhancement in H7N9 virus strains

Ting Zhang, Haiwei Du, Li Guo, Feng Liu, Haoxiang Su, Fan Yang
2021 Virology Journal  
Background To identify site-specific features of amino acid substitutions that confer enhanced H7N9 virulence in humans, we independently generated mammalian-adapted variants of A/Anhui/1/2013 (AH-H7N9) and A/Shanghai/2/2013 (SH-H7N9) by serial passaging in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Methods Virus was respectively extracted from cell culture supernatant and cells, and was absolutely quantified by using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Viral RNAs were extracted and subjected to
more » ... equencing for identifying mutations. Then, site-specific mutations introduced by viral passaging were selected for further constructing HA7 or NA9 mutant plasmids, which were used to generate recombinant viruses. The interaction between the recombinant HA and receptors, H7N9-pseudotyped viruses and receptors were detected. Results Both subtypes displayed high variability in replicative capability and virulence during serial passaging. Analysis of viral genomes revealed multiple amino acid mutations in the hemagglutinin 7 (HA7) (A135T [AH-H7N9], T71I [SH-H7N9], T157I [SH-H7N9], T71I-V223I [SH-H7N9], T71I-T157I-V223I [SH-H7N9], and T71I-T157I-V223I-T40I [SH-H7N9]), and NA9 (N171S [AH-H7N9] and G335S [AH-H7N9]) proteins in various strains of the corresponding subtypes. Notably, quite a few amino acid substitutions indeed collectively strengthened the interactions between H7N9 strains and sialic acid receptors. Moreover, some of the amino acid substitutions identified were highly and specifically cytopathogenic to MDCK cells. Conclusions This study demonstrated that AH-H7N9 and SH-H7N9 subtypes can acquire enhanced receptor affinity for sialic receptors through novel amino acid substitutions. Such changes in affinitive interactions are conferred by site-specific mutations of HA7 proteins that affect the virulence and pathology of the virus strain, and/or limited compatibility between the host and the virus strain.
doi:10.1186/s12985-020-01464-1 pmid:33430903 fatcat:y5ovvuf5jjcbpnlkkw577bouru