The Compact UV Nucleus of M33

Guillaume Dubus, Knox S. Long, Philip A. Charles
1999 Astrophysical Journal  
The most luminous X-ray source in the Local Group is associated with the nucleus of M33. This source, M33 X-8, appears modulated by ~20% over a ~106 day period, making it unlikely that the combined emission from unresolved sources could explain the otherwise persistent ~1e39 erg/s X-ray flux (Dubus et al. 1997, Hernquist et al. 1991). We present here high resolution UV imaging of the nucleus with the Planetary Camera of the HST undertaken in order to search for the counterpart to X-8. The
more » ... s is bluer and more compact than at longer wavelength images but it is still extended with half of its 3e38 erg/s UV luminosity coming from the inner 0.14". We cannot distinguish between a concentrated blue population and emission from a single object.
doi:10.1086/312113 fatcat:imzuupocxzcurih3rw56svtlu4