The Effect of Job Seeker's Perceived Social Support on Job Search Needs: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Communication Process

Tae-Jung Park, Sanguk Hong
2020 Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange  
The purpose of this study is to grasp the mediating effect of the communication process on the effect of job seeker's perceived social support on job search needs. The study was conducted with 230 users of job centers in OO city, Gyeongsangbuk-do. As for the analysis method, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, and three-step median effect analysis used by Baron & Kenny (1987) were performed using the SPSS program, and Sobel test was
more » ... rformed for statistical verification. As a result of the study, first, it was found that social support and communication of job center users influenced their job search needs. Second, as a result of analyzing the mediating effect of the communication process on the effect of social support of job center users on job search needs, the communication process showed a partial mediating effect on the effects of emotional support, information support, material support, and evaluation support on job search needs. This study is considered to be the basic data for the development of the communication promotion program that can increase job search behavior for job seekers by grasping the effects of job seekers' perceived social support on job search needs, and in particular, and revealing that communication has a mediating effect on social support and job search needs.
doi:10.47116/apjcri.2020.11.07 fatcat:xaqhc5u2zrfkddcxqjiw6yr54e