Teachers' Assumptions on Teaching English Grammar for Lower-secondary Level Students (A Case Study of Nepal)

Ramesh Prasad Adhikary
2020 International journal for innovation education and research  
Teaching grammar is one of the aspects of language teaching. From the past, different methods, like teaching from rules, teaching from examples, teaching through texts have been used to teach grammar in Nepal. So, this research was prepared to study the teachers' assumption for teaching English grammar at lower secondary level in Nepal. The issue of teaching prepositions, articles, tense, tags, causative verbs and subject verb agreement are raised in this research. In this research, both the
more » ... mary and secondary sources of data were used. Questionnaires were used to collect the data for the research. The result shows that most of the teachers use inductive ways to teach grammar lessons or they used student-centered techniques. It also concludes that the level of the learners, context and nature of the text also make the teachers to select the method for teaching.
doi:10.31686/ijier.vol8.iss7.2418 fatcat:x532k724mfhldmwctff6oj2lju